Monday, 23 April 2018

Jefferstow's Road To The Marathon: Post 10: An Ode to running

Oh running, how can I describe thee?
Let me count the woes
I decided to use poetry
A form I also loathe. 

Our journey together started one year ago
A thousand miles we have travelled
I wanted desperately for some love from you
but you just left me completely unravelled

For the first six months, the pressure was low
We went out together once a week
I focused on my fitness, strength; and cardio
Any kind of variety I could seek

As winter set in, so did your colours true
Threatening illness, pain and injury
A twisted ankle that turned me blue
And chafing where no one else can see

Running, I learned you revel in causing pain,
From blisters to stabbing in my shins
Missing toenails, life's true bane
What did I do to deserve this? What were my sins?

As the battle between us became much more mental
I have cried and begged and pleaded
Don't make me go outside again, please be gentle,
A little support was all I needed

But you gave me nought but stress
Snow and flu and treacherous terrain
On the odd occasion when I finally felt YES
You just sent me lightning and cancelled my plane

Luckily for me, in my life I found solace
From my husband, friends and family
They gave generously from their wallets
Delivering kind words to encourage me

For these people I am grateful
Forever I will owe them for their care
Without them I would only feel hateful
And completely alone in this running nightmare

The marathon day has now come and passed
You tested every inch of my existence
So hot, that day, you tested every step to the last
But I finished, thanks to the crowds and my persistence

A hundred people have asked if I will keep playing your evil game,
Because I feel stronger now than ever before.
Even when all I've done is complain
People think I will be addicted to this dreadful chore

I wanted to like you, even fall in love,
Through every hardship I have risen above
But running, I have won, I have not caught your itch,
For Running; thou art a heartless bitch.

Monday, 16 April 2018

Jefferstow's Road To The Marathon: Post 9: The Final Countdown, International runs, and TREMENDOUS amounts of weight

I cannot believe The Final Week is actually here. It's a little under a year since I first got my marathon place. I definitely didn't know what I was in for at the time but (apart from multiple meltdowns) I'm proud to how far I have come and my current fundraising total is an incredible  £3,040 for which I do not have the words to thank those who have donated, not can I express how much this means to my beloved Auntie.

I've been planning a blog to show you all the pictures of the lovely international runs I've done during my training, the idea was I would finish up with a lovely picture across the croisette in Cannes, but if you needed any further proof my training is doomed, my flight was cancelled and subsequent days brought thunder and lightning so I didn't make it this time...

But first just to share an amusing story from one of my clients that I met in Cannes... As a disclaimer  I adore all my clients and they are lovely but often don't see me for large periods of time.
So on Monday last week, I was nearing the end of my meetings but looking forward to the next one, with a Dutch guy whom we had just concluded a deal with... the sun was finally out so I went out to the terrace to collect him for my meeting. He gave me a massive hug and exclaimed "Wow, Emma! Haven't you lost a TREMENDOUS amount of weight?!"

I must admit I was slightly speechless, I'm not sure if he was remembering me slightly fatter than I was... or maybe I underestimated how  big I was last year... or maybe it's simply true what they say about vertical stripes being slimming... regardless I decided to take it and the emphasis on the word TREMENDOUS as a compliment.... much to the amusement of my very 'supportive' colleagues...

When I got home I did decide to weigh myself as back in February I hadn't dropped a pound and I discovered I've lost... *drum roll please*..... HALF A STONE. yep. Three kilos. Seven pounds. And yes yes yes I know it's an achievement blah blah blah but I've been running FOUR TIMES A WEEK FOR THE LAST 4 MONTHS and all I've lost is half a lousy stone. And yes I know that it's not the number that counts and yes yes I do look slimmer and yes if one more person tells me muscle weighs more than fat I WILL drop kick  you in the face.... All I'm saying is it I weighed less I would have a lot less to carry around with me for 26 sodding miles and it would be  much easier.  There's just no justice.

Anyway. Enjoy some lovely international run pictures. Say encouraging things and sponsor me. This time next week I'll be smug and no longer a whiny little cow. I promise.