Tuesday, 29 August 2017

JefferStow's Road to the Marathon: Post 4: FUNdraiser

As I mentioned in my first post, there are only three reasons for humans to run. Especially long distances. Those involve only food, danger and good deeds.

However these three motivations can also be combined in order to be one huge reciprocal motivation to get the job done.

The last month or so has given me sudden anxiety and fear not about somehow running the distance from my house to the Dartford tunnel (ohdearlordwhydidIworkthatout?!), but how I'm going to make it to my colossal £2,500 for a charity that means more to me than I ever dreamed it might before I found out my Uncle was diagnosed with Motor Neurone Disease last year.

Don't get me wrong. I believe in the power of good. I have amazing friends, family and colleagues who are incredibly generous and who will give for the good cause and also because they admire the feat I am attempting to conquer... However I also know that many people firstly have lots of people asking for money for similarly excellent causes for similarly difficult challenges... and also that asking for money 9 months in advance when I can only run 4 miles is a big ask.

However I've been so far in awe at people's generosity. I've reach £400 of my target on the power of annoying people on Facebook alone. But the fact is I agreed to get £1000 to MNDA by the end of October, and a further £1500 by the end of May when I've completed the race... and sadly Facebook has a hide button for annoying sorts just. like me.

So this is where the three mighty powers of motivation shall combine together to make one huge pyramid of motivation, where not only do I get into my training but everyone is inspired enough to dig deep and throw lots of cash at me.

This formula roughly translates as me being terrified of not getting to my target, so I bribe people with FOOD which results in money for charity... which motivates me to run run run.

This is a very long winded way of telling everyone I threw my first fundraising event this weekend.
I'm not going to lie... I've been absolutely terrified in the run up. The premise was simple. I buy BBQ food. You come and eat the BBQ food. You put some money in the pot. Emma goes home happy.

But despite being the Fun Coordinator at my university's Operatic society, where I threw event after event with apparently no regard to how annoying or was or caring if people turned up, or even enjoyed themselves because I was just obliviously and unshakably convinced that they would. 

I am a very different person to who I was at age 21/22. My husband and most people I know will probably let you know it's definitely a good thing. I'm also much happier than I was at 21. The only downfall is that I've managed to develop this little thing called empathy, which currently makes me constantly terrified about what impact I'm having on other people...and whether or not I am making them happy (I desperately want to make everyone happy all the time. It's pretty much all I want for everyone in life).

This irrational fear nearly lead me to cancelling the BBQ a few weeks before because I wasn't sure I had enough yes's to make it worth it, and I didn't want attendees to think it was lame... So my husband jumped to action and invited some extras and motivated me to actually bug those who haven't replied for a response. Slowly but surely people realised they didn't have anything better to do, so agreed to rock up to my little shin dig.

Once the weatherman announced sunshine for the weekend, my anxiety slipped away as I got down to doing my favourite thing in the world... LIST WRITING!

I got everything organised, ordered some colour coordinated napkins and painted my nails to match. I spent a happy hour in Tesco buying a tonne of food and took it over to parents who kindly agreed to host.

Admittedly I was still a little anxious on the day and my husband (who is so supporting and awesome for standing in the midday eat over a fiery BBQ to make everyone's food) will tell you that I sometimes slightly over estimate how much time is needed for things like blowing up balloons and making salad. But he's wrong.

At 3pm on the dot the first guest arrived and for the next four hours around 24 of some of the loveliest people I know came, relaxed, ate food, drank Pimms and had a jolly good afternoon.

After everyone left I found I had raised £207 for my marathon pot, which means several people donated more than the recommended £5 for the afternoon of entertainment, and have increased my current fundraising pot by 50%.

I am so overwhelmed with gratitude, happiness and Pimms for everyone who came and even more glad for the fact everyone had a lovely afternoon. I don't know why I was so worried.

Thank you again to everyone who has contributed and joined in so far. My next event is a buffet meal in Southend., Essex, on the 20th October, and is open to all due to me not being the one to pay for the food! If you don't yet have the details please let me know!

A third of the way there and a third of the way through my journey


The last picture is there to prove it wasn't just me and a skipping rope.

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