Sunday, 18 August 2013

Body Batter

Time for a new class - it's been a while (for a new class and a gym visit!) So I thought I would throw myself in at the deep end and do a double for the first time. Body Attack followed by Body Condition with Lorraine.

Up and pumped I went to Chelle's Body Attack class. Not sure if I've told you about Chelle, she does Body Combat as well, she's small, blonde, built like a shit brickhouse and absolutely mental. Definitely good qualities for a gym instructor.

So we start off with a fairly lively warm up, I'm feeling revitalised and energetic. Then we do the first mix and suddenly I'm dripping in sweat, seeing my life flash before my eyes and wondering how I am going to survive the next 50 minutes.

The workout itself is on an intensity level with Body Combat, but without the punching and kicking, so you feel slightly more graceful and less angry. Lots of shuffling, hopping, high knees and some amazing new moves including "Superman" and "Side Skips" which I'm fair sure is a move we used in Summer Holiday with SODS.

I never thought I would say this but THANKFULLY about halfway through she did an arms/press up section because it saved my legs for all of five minutes. I did however promptly then get cramp in my right inside thigh so had to spend a few minutes stretching it, discovering carrying on was the only way to stop it from hurting.

Needless to save, walking away dripping in sweat, I was not ready to take on body conditioning. Luckily Lorraine also felt the same when we saw the inclusion of Steps and copious amounts of weights in the class ahead, so we opted for a 35 minute stint on the bikes and rowing machines, while of course having a bit of a gossip.

In conclusion, I now walk like John Wayne but it was a great class, will do it again!


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