Saturday, 14 May 2016

Outrun: Week 2: 44 miles down: Why am I doing this?

Ah the first words out of everyone's mouths... Why are you doing this?

Well below are a list of reasons to help you understand:

1. I have the uncontrollable need to compete with myself

2. Raising money for charity is a good thing

3. I strongly believe that for people to donate what you're doing needs to meet two criteria: a) it needs to be something ridiculous and stretching for you PERSONALLY (and for someone with a decent level of fitness that means more than a few k. And b) the charity needs to be something people can personally care and relate to.

4. I do not have enough spare cash to give as much to charities as I would like

5. It was free to sign up

6. I quite like the attention

7. I have witnessed first hand how amazing the Macmillan nurses are and how much support they offer to patients and sufferers of the big C

8. As I write this a beautiful and lovely lady I know who has been an amazing friend to my hubby over the years is waiting for biopsy results, which is scary and terrifying and it gives me even more motivation to keep going.

9. Marriage has made my legs wobbly.

10. The ultimate satisfaction thatI've raised over £250 so far and only halfway there!!!

So there you go, thank you for the admiration and donations,  keep them coming!

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