So I am nearly at 80 miles and determined to get to 100. I currently feel quite sick and horrible and mentally I'm finding it tough because running as a sole form of exercise is dull as dishwater.
So to liven things up, welcome to the Legally Blonde soundtrack, and five tracks that keep me going.
1. Track 3: What you want.
Not only is this about girl is achieving something seemingly ridiculous and unreachable, she gets there with some support friends and family and also the over arching motivation of:
And that is also my motivation. Love. Love for my mother, for my friends who have and are going through continued struggles, from finding clothes when you've only got one boob to coming to terms with the next stage of your treatment. Love for the mothers who have not survived. For the lady at work whose friend lost her battle at the age of 28 and left behind 3 children under 7 years old. The heartbreak I feel every time I hear the C word is what I'm doing this for.
2. Track 6: Positive
The title speaks for itself but this is also where Elle's friends step up even more to keep her up beat and on game. My girl Chloe who is also doing the Outrun challenge is my Greek Chorus in this <3
3. Track 10: So Much better
This track is the one I end up actually bursting outloud in the gym to and then continue an extremely enthusiastic lip sync to. I might look like a nutter but it usually comes about 40 minutes into my run when I'm dying.
This song embodies everything I've felt over the last month, I've improved myself physically and mentally, I'm proud of the miles I've run and touched by the generosity of the donaters so far.
I feel So. Much. Better.
4. Track 11: Whipped into shape
Speaks for itself. I will always be a bit wobbly but I strongly believe that physically (and mentally) you need to whip yourself into shape and aim to be the best that you can be
Come on Emma, you heffer
5: Track 13: Bend and snap
Look at my ass, look my thighs, I'm catnip to the guys, they chase my tail, they drool and pant, wanna touch this but they can't... All the boys wanna come and play, snap my fingers and they obey, Why do they follow me around all day? Watch me while I walk away
Enough said.
Thanks for being queen of everything, Elle.
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