Using gym-going to improve my writing skills. Using my writing skills to improve my gym-going.
Thursday, 29 August 2013
"How hard can it be?" - The 5K of Grief and Loss.
- Everyone is Running 5K. Overweight people with no experience Run 5K for Breast Cancer. Let's see how I do.
- People I know are Running 5K, and posting how far and fast they run. My innate competetive side was overthrown by my innate curious side as I have no point of comparison.
- There are no gym classes today. Let's give Running 5K a shot.
- Running 5K in under 40 minutes. That's doable.
- I haven't run or been on a running machine in well over 6 months.
- However this will feel it would be so much harder to run on the road where the floor doesn't move underneath you.
- Running 5K is really long
- Running 5K hurt my hips and shins.
- Running 5K is really hard.
- My rainbow analogy fits this situation too.
- Running for more than 20 minutes is really boring.
- Running the first 2K hurt my shoulder
- Running 5K is really long
- Running for more than 20 minutes is easier than running for less than 20 minutes
- I need new trainers.
The First Kilometre - Denial and Isolation
Seemed to last FOREVER. I was running at full whack for around 10 minutes (granted the first two were warm up/getting into my stride) and I only manged 0.6K before I felt like I had to stop. I had a stitch, my shoulder was killing me and my breathing and heart rate were very high.
After 10 minutes of running I switched to a fast walk. The end seemed so far away and in my head I had convinced myself it would take me 20 minutes. Which is how long it takes me on the bike. It only took me to about 0.85K to remember it takes longer to cycle that run. That was a comfort for all of 20 seconds when I realise how far I still had to run.
The Second Kilometer - Anger
This K went a lot quicker, but looking at the little semi-circle diagram that still seemed to be telling me that I had so far to go and it looked like most of it was uphill. It didn't seem to care that I'd been running FOREVER. However the anger spurred me on and during "Feeder - Just a day" I ran 0.6K at around 9.5KPH. Shortly after this I had to stop and that was the one moment the machine thought I'd given up. I hadn't.
The Third Kilometer - Bargaining
I was over the middle-hump, I was over halfway but I still couldn't see the light at the end of the tunnel. I reckoned if I walked a high gradient for 0.5K and ran for another 0.5K I would just about make it to 4K and that is acceptable and a good effort and I should be proud of that and next time I will do better.
The Fourth Kilometer - Depression
I got there. Foo Fighters got me there, but during the time getting there I knew I would never be happy if I stopped at 4K. I was on the downhill slope on the little diagram but the end was still far and I wouldn't forgive myself for not finishing. Nothing hurt any more but I had to get there. I was on 30 minutes of running and I also knew I wouldn't make 40 minutes. 45 would be okay but still fairly shamefull for someone who reckons they're not that unfit.
The Fifth Kilometer - Acceptence
I spend the first half of the kilometer bowling it up hill to Dizzee Rascal "Dirtee Money" looking at the time going away, feeling the ache in my legs and thinking even if I get to 4.5K and start running I will never make it to 5K in the next 6 and a half minutes. It just won't happen. But I would get to the end and the blog would be good and I can make a feature of it and show off how much I've improved. I got to 4.5K and put on something screechy and loud by Fall Out Boy and ran at 9.5KPH barely breathing, just determined to get there. It wasn't until 38 minutes and 4.82K that I saw the light at the end of the tunnel, I was near the end of the rainbow and I could do it in the next two minutes. I whacked it up to 10KPH and ran like my life depended on it.
End result: 388 calories, Average KPH of 7.7, 5K smashed in 39 minutes and 13 seconds!
Sunday, 18 August 2013
Body Batter
Up and pumped I went to Chelle's Body Attack class. Not sure if I've told you about Chelle, she does Body Combat as well, she's small, blonde, built like a shit brickhouse and absolutely mental. Definitely good qualities for a gym instructor.
So we start off with a fairly lively warm up, I'm feeling revitalised and energetic. Then we do the first mix and suddenly I'm dripping in sweat, seeing my life flash before my eyes and wondering how I am going to survive the next 50 minutes.
The workout itself is on an intensity level with Body Combat, but without the punching and kicking, so you feel slightly more graceful and less angry. Lots of shuffling, hopping, high knees and some amazing new moves including "Superman" and "Side Skips" which I'm fair sure is a move we used in Summer Holiday with SODS.
I never thought I would say this but THANKFULLY about halfway through she did an arms/press up section because it saved my legs for all of five minutes. I did however promptly then get cramp in my right inside thigh so had to spend a few minutes stretching it, discovering carrying on was the only way to stop it from hurting.
Needless to save, walking away dripping in sweat, I was not ready to take on body conditioning. Luckily Lorraine also felt the same when we saw the inclusion of Steps and copious amounts of weights in the class ahead, so we opted for a 35 minute stint on the bikes and rowing machines, while of course having a bit of a gossip.
In conclusion, I now walk like John Wayne but it was a great class, will do it again!
Thursday, 11 July 2013
Jamaican Me Crazy!
a. 20 seconds work. 15 seconds rest.
Friday, 28 June 2013
I can almost hear the Mahjong tiles...
Today I went to the actual gym for the first time since they replaces all the machines. I've been to classes and for swims (is that the plural?) but not used the actual equipment seeing as at 7am I need the fear of drowning or a muscly instructor to motivate me to do anything.
This afternoon I started on the new swanky bikes with their swanky screens. I was annoyed I'd forgotten my headphones so I would have to list to the whirrs and panting around me and hope it didn't distract me too much. After about 3 minutes my mind was wandering and the people in the swimming pool were offering no form of entertainment whatsoever, then I discovered the "Games" section on the screen.
Now I always claim I am completely uncompetitive. It's true. I get riled up sometimes when playing monopoly and when I'm trying to get children to be competitive, but quite honestly when it comes to sports or competition I just don't give a monkies... (monkey's?). That said, I live in a permanent state of competition with myself.
I will spend hours playing Windows Pinball or fighting myself at table tennis on the Wii. But in company I just find it impossible to put any effort in. So the opportunity to battle myself whilst cycling was too hard to pass up.
I've never been able to get the hang of Sudoku and I didn't enjoy matching pairs (by didn't enjoy I mean "Was shit at") so I thought I'd give Mahjong a go (on easy obviously as I'm not an 89 year old and I can't remember how to play it on the computer). First go, smashed the board in 3 minutes 45. Had another go and had mild panic halfway because the screen tells you when you exercise time is nearly up (I'd allowed myself 15 minutes) so upped my minutage, and before you knew it I'd completed a medium level of Mahjong, and I'd been going full pelt for 30 minutes, I couldn't feel my legs and I was sweating out of every crevice.
I practically fell off the bike and hobbled to the arm bike where I lip read Countdown (I'm worse at Countdown that I am at Mahjong) then headed back to the changing rooms feeling wobbly and satisfied. Well done, Virgin Gym. Ten out of Ten for distractions.
Wednesday, 19 June 2013
We're just friends!.... Yeah... Naked Friends
Monday, 20 May 2013
Spa Daze
Thursday, 21 February 2013
So feeling pretty pleased with myself for not only dragging my tired ass to the gym at 7am, but for really 'going for it' seeing as I accidentally ending up with Mexican plans for lunch and Indian plans for dinner (not greed: the Mexican is free and the Indian is for charity, aren't I selfless?)
Every time I go to the gym before work I inevitably have to shower. I do not believe in public nudity, no matter how smooth and supple my skin is compared to the sixty year old bazongas I see in a morningly basis. I have my system and it works.
It is a risky system, however. It involves taking a towel and new pants to the shower with me. Which would be fine if the shower cubicle wasn't small and the forcet wasn't controlled by a sensitive, large button. Each time I reach precariously for my towel and pants (at this point I ask WHY, GOD, WHY DO YOU NOT ALLIGN YOUR HOOKS WITH THE OPENING OF THE DOOR, VIRGIN?? Why must I reach across to the hinge to pick up my dignity sized towel? Design flaw central) I make sure I am not so close to the door that my naked flesh touches it, but far enough away so I do not accidentally hit the water button in an unfortunate vigorous drying incident.
Most days I am successful. Don't get me wrong, I've performed this drill many times in my head. If the water does come upon me I will shoot my right arm in the air, saving my dry items, and use my left to hit the water button and resume as normal.
Today all did not go to plan. I hit the button and then everything went into slow motion. I heard the guzzle of the water about to exude from the pipe above my head and quickly whipped my towel high into the air, skillfully reaching to press the water button again. However as I looked towards the button I saw a white flutter out of corner of my eye, and had to watch, helpless, as my clean pants floated in the soapy puddle at my feet.
There was nothing I could do.
Cue me sliding out of the cubicle, in just a towel, spending five minutes under a hairdryer and the glare of 5 naked old ladies whose eyes seemed to say 'Why did you take your pants into the shower?'